Suresh Kheria

Suresh Kheria

Although since many years suffering from hypothyroid, Still within 3 months reduced 26 cms waist circumference reduced., along with 12 kg weight and 11% Fat % reduction.

Physical Report

Starting Weight
(Jan 19)
Current Weight
(April 19)
Weight Reduction
100 88 12 kgs
Starting Fat %
Current Fat %
Fat % Reduction
47 36 11 %
Starting Waist Current Waist
Waist Circumstances
123 97 26 Cms
Starting Upper Waist
Current Upper Waist
Upper waist Circumference
106 95 11
Starting LBM
Current LBM Muscles Mass Increased
52 58 6


Jan' 19

April' 19


Jan' 19

April' 19

A few words from his heart

Within one month, I am experiencing great results. It was my knee problem, which brought me here and now am experiencing great relief from this problem. Am able to sit down and do my puja. Had severe constipation and now it is 100% gone. Had severe constipation and now it is 100% gone. My muscle cramps had also disappeared. My diabetes tablet have been reduced from 2 to 1. Am getting more energetic and getting praising comments from people. Having Hypothyroid and consuming 100 mg of thyronorm, Fat reduction 11% and Waist Circumference reduction 26 cms. Results are fabulous!!! Excellent program!!! Though I am eating more, and have attended two family functions within one month, still reducing weight.
Thank you Dr. Nupur Krishnan!! God bless you!!
